Sayings of the Prophet;What is Iman?
The words of the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH(Swt) be upon him): There are five foundations of Islam: Verbal recognition (including Yaqeen) and deeds are faith and it increases and decreases. ALLAH(Swt)says (interpretation of the meaning): So that they may strengthen their faith with their faith (47: 4). We strengthened their righteous ways. (17:13). And guides those who follow the right path (19: 8). And as for those who follow the right path, ALLAH(Swt) will give them more guidance and increase their strength to follow the right path (46:16), so that the faith of the believers may increase (74:31).ALLAH(Swt) says (interpretation of the meaning): "Which of you has increased faith?" It only increases the faith of those who believe. (9: 124) And His word: (فَاخْشَوْهُمْ فَزَادَهُمْ إِيمَانًا) (وَمَا زَادَهُمْ إِلاَّ يمِيمَانًا وَتَسْلِيمًا) "And it increased their faith and obedience." (33 ঃ 22).
Umar ibn Abdul Aziz (R) wrote in a letter to Adi ibn Adi (R), ‘Iman has some obligations, some rules, prohibitions and Sunnah. The faith of the one who realizes these is fulfilled. And he who does not fulfill them fully, his faith is not fulfilled. If I am alive, I will explain these to you soon, so that you may act upon it. And if I die, know that I am not longing to be with you.
Ibrahim (‘A.) said, (وَلَكِنْ لِيَطْمَئِنَّ قَلْبِي)‘ But this is only for peace of mind’- (2: 260). Mu'adh said, "Come and sit with us and talk about faith for a while." Ibn Mas'ud said, "Yaqeen is full faith." No, as long as he does not give up whatever causes doubt in his mind. 'Mujahid (R) explained this verse, that is, O Muhammad (peace be upon him)! I have commanded you and Noah the same religion. Ibn 'Abbas (R) said, (شِرْعَةً وَمِنْهَاجًا) means path and way — and your du'a means your faith.
. Ubaydullah ibn Musa (R) ... Narrated from Ibn Umar (R), he said, the Prophet (peace and blessings of ALLAH(Swt) be upon him) said, there are five foundations of Islam.
1. There is no god but ALLAH (Swt), and Muhammad is the Messenger of ALLAH(Swt)
2. Establishing salat (prayer)
3. Paying Zakat
4. To perform Hajj (Hajj) and
5. To observe the fast of Ramadan.
The value of hadith: Sahih
Narrated by: Abdullah Ibn Umar (R)
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